Appendix C: Staff Survey Data Tables
Museums Moving Forward Pilot Survey Findings
Fielded Fall 2022
Sample size
Number of survey respondents | 1,907 |
1. Approximately how long have you been working in the art museum field?
Average years in art museums 10.6 -
2. And how long have you been working at your current museum (this could be
the same as the previous question)?
Average years in current museum 7.0 -
3. Which of the following best describes your current position level in the museum?
Entry Level 13% Experienced (non-manager) 46% Manager (with 1+ direct reports) 27% Director Level 9% Executive 6% -
4. What type of position do you have at the museum?
Full-Time/Permanent Employee 86% Part-Time Employee 10% Temporary Employee 2% Seasonal Employee 0% Paid Intern 1% Apprentice/Fellow 1% -
5. Which of the following categories does your current museum position fall into? Select all that apply.
Administration 42% Building Operations 24% Collections 33% Communications 15% Public Engagement 27% -
6. Are you a member, or do you have the option of being a member, of a union as part of your museum job?
Yes, I am a union member for my museum job 13% No, I have the option to be a union member for my museum job but have not chosen to join 3% No, a union is not available for my museum job 84% -
7. How are you compensated in this position?
Annual salary 65% Hourly wage 35% -
8. Compared to people at similar position levels (e.g., entry level, associate,
manager, executive) in my institution, I think my salary is:
Above others 8% About the same as others 50% Below others 36% -
9. Compared to people at other art museums with comparable position levels
(e.g., entry level, associate, manager, executive), I think my salary is:
Above others 13% About the same as others 39% Below others 48% -
10. Have you ever received any of the following combinations of promotions
and pay increases while at your current museum? Select all that apply.
FULL PROMOTION: Title Change and Pay Increase 31% HOLLOW PROMOTION: Title Change But No Pay Increase 12% PAY-FOCUSED PROMOTION: Pay Increase But No Title Change 31% None of the above 44% -
10A. Full promotion details
Average Number of Promotions per Person 0.58 Average Tenure in the Museum in Years 7.02 Annual Promotion Rate for the Average Worker 0.08 Average Years to Promotion 12.19 -
10B. Hollow promotion details
Average Number of Promotions per Person 0.16 Average Tenure in the Museum in Years 7.02 Annual Promotion Rate for the Average Worker 0.02 Average Years to Promotion 44.31 -
10C. Pay-focused promotion details
Average Number of Promotions per Person 0.78 Average Tenure in the Museum in Years 7.02 Annual Promotion Rate for the Average Worker 0.11 Average Years to Promotion 8.99 -
11. How well does your current compensation from the museum cover your living expenses
(e.g., rent, utilities, food, childcare)? My salary is:
Always enough to cover living expenses 26% Usually enough to cover living expenses 31% Sometimes enough to cover living expenses 23% Rarely or never enough to cover living expenses 20% -
12. Which of the following statements best represents your museum’s post-COVID Return-to-Work
policy, as it applies to you? Select all that apply.
I am/will be working in person only 37% I am/will be working in a hybrid setup where the museum chooses how many and which days to work from home and which days to work from the museum 17% I am/will be working in a hybrid setup where I get to choose how many and which days to work from home and which days to work in the museum 22% I am/will be working in a hybrid setup where the museum chooses how many days to work from home and how many days to work from the museum and I get to choose which days 33% I am/will be working in a hybrid setup where I get to choose how many and which days to work from home and which days to work in the museum 1% I don’t know much about the museum’s return-to-work plans 3% -
13. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements in relation to the
culture of your current museum workplace.*
I believe that I can learn and grow in this organization 71% I feel burned out in this organization 52% My manager supports me 76% I believe performance reviews contribute to growth and/or advancement in my institution 32% Diversity and difference are not celebrated in this organization 22% I believe that what I do here is meaningful 82% The culture of my workplace negatively affects my mental and/or physical health 40% Mistakes are held against you in this organization 24% I would recommend this workplace to friends and family 53% I don’t feel that I have a voice in decision making in this organzation 42% My institution provides management and/or leadership training for all supervisors 24% People in my organization are held accountable for discrimination and harassment 40% I feel like I have to hide some of who I am in this organization 30% * Percent agreeing with each statement highly—a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale
14. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements in relation to the
culture of your current museum workplace.*
I believe that I can learn and grow in this organization 17% I feel burned out in this organization 28% My manager supports me 13% I believe performance reviews contribute to growth and/or advancement in my institution 39% Diversity and difference are not celebrated in this organization 60% I believe that what I do here is meaningful 7% The culture of my workplace negatively affects my mental and/or physical health 43% Mistakes are held against you in this organization 49% I would recommend this workplace to friends and family 21% I don’t feel that I have a voice in decision making in this organzation 38% My institution provides management and/or leadership training for all supervisors 41% People in my organization are held accountable for discrimination and harassment 28% I feel like I have to hide some of who I am in this organization 51% * Percent rating this attribute as low—a 1 or 2 on a 5-point scale
15. Which of the following statements best reflects the salary sharing practices
of your museum workplace? Select all that apply.
My workplace shares the specific salaries of all employees publicly 12% My union handbook lists salary levels for each job 6% My workplace shares salary ranges for all positions or levels with employees 11% My workplace posts salary ranges for each open position 38% My workplace actively discourages employees from discussing their salaries 17% None of the above 16% I don't know 22% -
16. In the past twelve months, have you experienced any of the following in your museum workplace?
Select all that apply.
My major accomplishments have been acknowledged or recognized 57% I wasn’t given appropriate resources, materials, or time to execute a job task or responsibility 41% I was given opportunities to do work that will likely help me advance 41% Someone took credit for my accomplishments 19% I developed positive relationships with my coworkers 83% Someone I work with was unfairly blamed or criticized for something 26% I was unfairly blamed or criticized for something 18% Another employee yelled, raised their voice, or spoke to me in an unprofessional manner 24% None of the above 3% -
17. How you ever considered leaving your current museum workplace for another art museum?
Yes 60% No 40% -
18. Which of the following reasons made you consider leaving your current museum workplace for
another art museum? Select all that apply.
Pay is too low 61% Other institutions have more flexible work hours 9% No full-time work is available in this institution 7% Opportunities for growth at the other museum 54% Experiences of discrimination or harassment 14% Lack of opportunies at my museum 51% Unsafe working conditions 5% Positive reputation of the other museum 22% Burnout 59% Desire to live in a different town or city 28% Interpersonal issues with other staff members 24% Poor management 46% I don’t believe my institution can change for the better 25% Personal reasons unrelated to my current museum workplace 19% -
19. How you ever considered leaving the art museum field in the past five years?
Yes 68% No 32% -
20. Which of the following reasons made you consider leaving the art museum field? Select all that apply.
Pay is too low in art museums 68% Other fields have more flexible work hours 22% More interested in other fields 19% Full-time work is unavailable to me in most art museums 10% Experiences of discrimination or harassment in art museums 11% Lack of opportunities for growth in art museums 47% Unsafe working conditions in art museums 4% Burnout in the art museum field 54% Exciting opportunities in other fields 35% Interpersonal issues with other staff members are common in art museums 16% Poor management in art museums 41% I don’t believe art museums can change for the better 15% Personal reasons unrelated to art and/or museums 29% -
21. Have you felt discriminated against or harassed on the basis of your gender, sexual orientation,
racial or ethnic background, social or economic status, religion, age, or disability while working in
your current museum workplace?
Yes 26% No 74% -
21A. How often have you felt discriminated against and/or harassed while working in your current museum workplace?
Very frequently (daily or almost daily) 5% Often (a few times a month) 17% Sometimes (a few times a year) 48% Rarely (one or two times total) 30% -
21B. Which of the following forms of discrimination and/or harassment have you experienced in your
current museum workplace? Select all that apply.
Based on gender (including pregnancy, gender expression, gender identity, etc.) 52% Based on sexual orientation 11% Based on race and/or ethnicity 33% Based on social or economic status 29% Based on religion 5% Based on age 40% Base on disability 13% Another form of discrimination or harassment 21% -
21C. Have you taken any of the following actions in response to discrimination and/or harassment in
your current museum workplace? Select all that apply.
I filed an HR complain form (in person or online) 11% I talked to an HR staff member who is available to employees 29% I used an anonymous reporting mechanism 5% I used an employee complaint hotline 1% I talked to a neutral employee or manager who can communicate the issues to HR 26% -
21D. How satisfied are you with how HR and/or the museum resolved your complaint(s) overall?
Not at all satisfied 54% Somewhat satisfied 38% Very satisfied 8% -
21E. If you have experienced any discrimination or harassment and decided NOT to take action in
response, what were your reasons? Select all that apply.
I worried about retaliation from people in leadership at the institution 46% I worried about retaliation from the person who discriminated against/harassed me 47% I didn’t think anything would be done about it 70% I didn’t think anything could be done about it because the person who discriminated against/harassed me is not an employee of the museum (e.g., visitor, board member, artist) 15% I didn’t know about what actions I could take 19% My workplace doesn’t provide any mechanisms to report discrimination and/or harassment 11% -
22. In your current employment situation, how satisfied are you with each of the following
Level of pay 29% Stable and predicable pay 70% Stable and predictable hours 67% Control over hours and/or location (e.g., ability to work flexible hours, work remotely) 58% Job security 68% Employee benefits (e.g., health care, retirement) 58% Career advancement opportunities (e.g., promotion path, learning new skills) 28% Enjoying your day-to-day work (e.g., good coworkers/managers, pleasant work environment) 57% Having a sense of purpose and dignity in your work 66% Having the power to change things about your job that you’re not satisfied with 28% * Percent rating this attribute as high—a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale
22A. In your current employment situation, how satisfied are you with each of the following
Level of pay 46% Stable and predicable pay 12% Stable and predictable hours 13% Control over hours and/or location (e.g., ability to work flexible hours, work remotely) 21% Job security 11% Employee benefits (e.g., health care, retirement) 21% Career advancement opportunities (e.g., promotion path, learning new skills) 41% Enjoying your day-to-day work (e.g., good coworkers/managers, pleasant work environment) 17% Having a sense of purpose and dignity in your work 12% Having the power to change things about your job that you’re not satisfied with 41% * Percent rating this attribute as low—a 1 or 2 on a 5-point scale
23. Thinking about the past twelve months in your workplace (or total tenure if less than twelve
months), which of the following three emotions do you most associate with working at your museum?
Select up to three.
Content 34% Worried 36% Excited 29% Sad 9% Connected to other 42% Bored 13% Angry 15% Hopeful 34% Disappointed 38% Inspired 28% -
24. What kind of role, if any, do you have in your museum’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts?
Select all that apply.
I personally incorporate principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in my overall work 68% I am currently a member of a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee at work 18% I was previously a member of a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee at work 11% My position specifically focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion 7% None of the above, I am not involved in my museum’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts 19% None of the above, I am not clear about how to get involved in my museum’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts 11% Not applicable, my museum does not have any efforts towards diversity, equity, and inclusion 3% -
25. To your knowledge, has your museum measured the composition of any of the following groups
with respect to gender, race, and ethnicity within the last three years? Select all that apply.
Artists in the collection 49% Board and/or trustee members 45% Staff members 52% Volunteers 15% None of the above 3% I don't know 38% -
26. What/Who do you believe has a large impact on museum leadership’s decisions?
Select all that apply.
The museum’s mission, vision, and/or values 58% The museum board’s priorities 68% Input from staff members 30% The interests of current museum visitors 24% The interests of the communities around the museum 31% None of the above/I don’t know 12%