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Union Index

This index lists private nonprofit art museums with unionized workers. Each card represents a different union (represented by a separate contract), so institutions with multiple unions will have a card for each union with a separate contract, identified in the subheading. To use the index as a timeline, click beneath the Chronology header in the menu on the right to sort in ascending (oldest to newest) or descending (newest to oldest) order. Under Clear Filters is a list of clickable filters to view unions by various categories: certification process, institution budget, parent union affiliation, region, stage of campaign, unit composition, and unit size.

To view the details of each card, click the + button to the right of the institution’s name. While clicking through each card, look out for areas marked with icons that flag areas where key data are unknown (researchers could not find data), pending (campaign is still in progress and has not yet reached this milestone), not applicable (campaign ended prior to reaching this milestone), or needs verification (researchers provided estimated data but needs additional verification). If you have additions, corrections, or questions to share, please click on the red COMMENT button in the lower right-hand corner to improve the accuracy of this resource.

Please note: For the most robust viewing experience, we recommend using a laptop or desktop for this section as some features (including sidebar filters) are not usable on mobile devices.

Data Legend
Not applicable
Unknown / No record
Pending data
Needs verification